Roasted cherry and dark chocolate chunk coconut milk ice cream

Summertime is the perfect time of year to make homemade ice cream. If you are like me and love all things ice cream, then you will love this recipe! I have been seeing dairy free ice creams more and more frequently these days. I’ve tried soy ice cream and it was OK, but I had never had coconut milk ice cream until today. I was blown away by how good it was. Absolutely delicious.

This recipe is a true winner and is one that you should definitely make during these hot summer months. It has such an amazing flavor and is so surprisingly creamy for being dairy free. You can definitely doctor up the flavors to make it fit your taste, but I must say – the roasted cherry and chocolate combination is so good. I will definitely be coming up with a lot more flavors this summer, so if any of you have any requests please let me know!


1/2 lb cherries (pitted and quartered)
1 Tbls sugar
16 oz coconut milk
2 egg yolks
1/3 cup + 3 Tbls raw sugar
1 tsp vanilla
Dark chocolate chunks

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper and place cherries in the middle. Sprinkle with 1 Tbls sugar and toss to coat. Roast in the oven for 25 minutes. Once finished, remove from oven and allow to cool completely. Set aside.

In a heat proof bowl set over a pot of simmering water (make sure your bowl is not touching the water), stir together sugar and egg yolks. Stir for five minutes or until sugar has dissolved. Add the can of coconut milk to the sugar and egg mixture and whisk to combine. As it warms, the custard will begin to thicken. Add in the vanilla and remove from the heat. Place in refrigerator to cool.

Add the cooled custard mixture to your ice cream maker and churn according to the directions. During the last five minutes of churning, add in your cooled cherries and chocolate chunks. Allow to finish churning and then place in the freezer to firm up.